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カテゴリ: すてきなあなたに感謝を込めてColumn














Sat Nam 🙏
Fear rises, then retreats! It's a cycle!
The word moody comes right from the moon, ruled by Cancer. Lunar energy is the way of the heart, the way of the human spirit, where our emotions pull us in mysterious directions.
Welcome a New Moon in Cancer tomorrow in the mix with a nodal shift into Libra and Aries. The North and South nodes are known as Rahu and Ketu in the Vedic astrology and are known to shift collective consciousness.
Cancer time/July is about experiencing safety and finding your comfort zone by connecting to your earthly home, family.
Dig deep and see what you find at this New Noon in Cancer. I know we’re looking for our inner home. Comfort. Love. A feeling of ease inside. A feeling of righteousness.
The Cancer new moon tunes you into a sense of direction. It is best not to set specific outer intentions. Your best intentions at this time is to stay tuned to your feelings and relax into their flow. And then to trust that your soul is guiding you out of the Deep Waters as Cancer’s actions are always instinctually guided. The Crab teaches you to feel what is right and to stayed tuned to the flow in divine alignment. Your inner feeling and resonance is what is most important. Nothing may actually happen right now, but it can, if you are able to hold a connected sacred space for your projects to be birthed at divine right timing.
Stay in the flow by doing what feels right. Dive deep enough to find your inner core of love and the truth of who you are.
Remember that feelings are the language of your emotions, so only through feeling awareness, not thinking, can you find your way. Practice to actually feel, trust, and than follow through with your souls guidance into divine connection to your roots, the waters into the lightness of being. 
A special class for the strong winds of change and your lightness of being will be.














BEing the bridge- New Moon in Gemini
Curiosity is peaked, distractions and fascinations are endless, the quest for meaning urgent and overwhelm imminent. Whilst our cosmic twins are superb at data assimilation and can connect dots faster than the bots, be wary of ‘shiny new object’ syndrome. Ground your over stimulated brain cells in commitment to longer-term passions.  Jump into the unknown away from the dramas of the days, news and SM into what your heart truly desires. To trust in the Beautiful, the Kind and most of all in the Possible. Know that your stories today create tomorrow’s world and Gemini's always loves a good story. So...... which ones are you choosing to tell? What future are they creating for you and our precious planet?
Just three days before the Solstice it’s time for new intentions to carry you through the next cycle.
Gemini is a mutable Air sign, and just as Air moves quickly, freely, and without bounds, as does Gemini. Just as Air clears stagnant energy and brings in fresh new life, as does Gemini – as does this New Moon.
The Gemini Twins introduce you to duality — mind and emotions, conscious and unconscious, YES and NO. So examine how you process duality within. Your goal is to evolve from conflict of opposing interests to a dialogue and dance of the polarities.This new Moon is an invitation of new inspirations, new ideas, curiosities, and a flow of communication.  You are invited to reflect on what narratives you wish to breathe new life into, where you are ready to bring an openness into your mind and where you intentional desire to create a new way of seeing, and therefore experiencing, your reality. There is an essence of love, connection, romance, and creativity, paired with imagination, dreams, and spirituality in the air.  In grounding this energy and remembering the responsibility that comes with being a bridge between two worlds – the spiritual and the physical are aligning.
Ek- One(ness)
Ong- vibrate
Kar- move it into a (your) direction
Remember that you are connected to all that is, connected to the very Source from which you came – with the very support, flow, and divinity it always holds you. Remember that your ideas, curiosities, dreams, and desires are never just for you. While they are for you, they are also for your loved ones, they are also for nature, they are for all of time past, present, and future, they are for the unfolding of Life itself. 
Shift of perception always creates new outcomes- in all ways. Everything begins with a thought. Yet you’re not the Thinker you’re the Observer. Stay in the witness position and hone your thinking. By Solstice when the Sun moves into Cancer, you’ll know how you feel about these new imaginings. What is it that your heart truly desires? 
Make it real and Live the dream. Dreams motivate. They’re crucial to your wellbeing and human evolution. And remember that even the failed ones contain precious gems.
Do less today and the days to lead to Solstice, in order to find transcendence in the mundane. Allow all the miraculous in the ordinary. When fears creep up, keep it up remaining in the observer mode, connected to the neutral of the heart, your truth and ability to be daring and authentic. Outside of time and space a truth exists beyond your human busy mind. Integrate the dual hemispheres of your brain - that is your challenge at present. With that you can create this bridge that conjoins all logical and the mystical and than..... trust your intuition and the mystical. This is what will call you back to your true divine Self — the one that just knows. There is no need to prove it —  Just Know. 
So MIND your dreams, even ask for them and then journal them. Many messages will be channelled through them with the increased psychic sensitivity currently available.
Set your sights high and own yourself enough to know you can birth yourself into a bigger reality that calls your Soul. 
